Mindful Tips For Coming Into The Therapy Session

As modern humans, we love to DO things in "go go go" mode believing we can ensure high efficiency and effectiveness. You may wonder what you can prepare or at least what "homework" to do before coming into the therapy session.

I very much encourage doing the opposite, i.e., do less and just "BE.” 

Below are some suggestions on how to prepare to make the most out of your session.

  1. Before coming into the session, ensure you give yourself ample time, so you don't feel rushed. Set up your device in a quiet and private room, use a nice pair of headphones (if you have one), and ensure a stable internet connection. A calm mental state and environment play a huge role in supporting your success.

  2. Avoid having drinks or food with stimulants such as caffeine, sugar, and high-fat, as it will affect your nervous, mental, and digestive systems. Instead, brew herbal tea or mix your infused water with your favorite fruits!

  3. It is worth spending some alone time reflecting on what you want to accomplish in the session. Take time to clarify your goal to at least gain some ideas on what you want to discuss most in your session.

  4. Come into your session with an open mind! At the same time, allow yourself to be honest about how you feel, especially if you are meeting your therapist for the first time. Give yourself permission to feel whatever emotions that may come up. It may feel like a "getting to know you" process, whether with the therapist or yourself.

  5. Take some time off after the session to “let it be.” Wait to schedule important work calls or appointments. If you can, take some time to go for a walk, get some fresh air, and give yourself the time to process. Similar to the feeling after having a deep tissue massage, you may feel sore for the rest of the day, and going straight into a sports game may not be a good idea. Instead, make it a restful day and allow your body to recover. Same as allowing emotions, thoughts, and revelations to surface and release. I promise you'll feel better over the week by taking this important step.

That's it!

Welcome to the state of non-doing.

I hope you enjoy the journey of self-exploration, truth-revealing, meaning-making, and reconciliation!


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