Do You Struggle With Body Image?

In working with a lot of women, I understand what challenges we face as women who are insidiously imparted with the belief that how we look will affect our worth - according to the beauty defined in different eras.

While there is no problem with pursuing a “better version” of ourselves, we do need to be cautious if we are perpetually not feeling good in our bodies. That is, if we are feeling it’s “normal” to fix our “flawed” body parts, be it a pair of big thighs or flabby arms (when they are functioning totally fine), it is an excellent opportunity to examine the belief that social media and business enterprises are selling us and how we are buying into it unconsciously.

A few questions I might ask my clients:

  • Is your body a problem, or is your perception about your body a problem (not slim but not “big” enough at the same time)?

  • Where did you obtain those perceptions? Influencers? Advertisement?

  • What motives exist behind those advertising messages and sponsored content (aka sponcon)? Do they want us to buy more of their products for "self-improvement"?

  • Are the “perfect” bodies even real without digital manipulations?

  • Even IF they don't process their pictures AT ALL, how many of them are there? Most of the time we are deluded to believe the "average" standard of most girls are "perfect".

In the end, I support my clients’ decisions around nutrition and exercise that serves them.

My role is to help them understand:

An external fix would never fix an internal conflict.

And body ideals would never be accomplished without body acceptance.

Re-defining your values and beliefs could be well explored and examined through hypnotherapy. Book a session today if you want to you want to genuinely live a better self.


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